Smart Sensor Devices’ trip to India: Forging Strong Partnerships with Leading Companies
October 11, 2023
In a significant stride towards advancing air quality monitoring solutions, Smart Sensor Devices (SSD) has made a remarkable move by participating in the India-Sweden Innovation Accelerator Delegation. Shivani Gupta, the marketing manager of SSD, is in India to spearhead this initiative and engage in a series of workshops and interactive B2B meetings.
The delegation provides a unique platform for knowledge exchange, insights sharing, and brainstorming sessions centered around SSD’s flagship air quality monitoring solution – HibouAir. This technology promises to revolutionize the way we measure air quality, ultimately contributing to a healthier and more sustainable future.
The delegation is more than just a networking event; it’s an opportunity to foster meaningful collaborations between SSD and various Indian companies and organizations. The SSD team, led by Shivani Gupta, is keen to discuss the numerous applications of HibouAir in India, a country that faces formidable air quality challenges.
One of the standout moments during this visit was the unwavering commitment received from Wipro management. Wipro, a global IT and consulting giant, expressed keen interest in evaluating SSD’s sensors. This commitment signifies a promising partnership that can lead to the integration of SSD’s smart sensor technology into Wipro’s projects and solutions. Together, they can address pressing environmental concerns and leverage technology for positive change.
This visit to India is a testament to SSD’s global vision, their dedication to innovation, and their willingness to collaborate with like-minded organizations. As the world continues to grapple with air pollution, solutions like HibouAir are indispensable in providing accurate data and insights for smarter decision-making.
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